2019 Council Meeting Minutes
2019 Council Meeting Minutes

Benefits of Membership
If you're a member you get free classified ads!!! Yes ... you can post your own classified ad on our website, whether you're selling something, looking for a job, or offering a service. You can also upload a picture (of the item you're selling, of your service or maybe just of you).
If you're a member, you can also post news items such as neighborhood parties, garage sales, committee meetings, items of general interest to our residents. In addition, special information items for residents and lot owners only, will be availale for viewing.
If you're a member, you can keep your personal information up-to-date such as your PO Box, your email or telephone numbers. Then, if there are problems, we'll know how to contact you. For instance if there's a scheduled water outage we can email you or call you.
We hope to add additional member benefits in the future.
When signing up for membership, you will be asked for your name, address, telephone numbers, and email address. It is assumed, of course, that you are a resident of Interlaken Estates. You will then be emailed a verification that your account is active. Then, on the Interlaken Estates home page, you simply enter your login and password and a members-only piece of the menu bar will appear along the side, allowing you to enter or delete news items and for-sale items. Note: you will only be able to delete those items you yourself entered.