2019 Council Meeting Minutes
2019 Council Meeting Minutes
Community Issues
Community Issues
We have a problem with dogs running loose. Some of these are chasing the deer. That's a crime and the game warden frowns on that. Due to a lot of complaints from a lot of people about a lot of dogs, we have requested Animal Control to patrol our neighborhood. We have also spoken to the game warden. They make patrols, especially during hunting season. They carry rifles and shoot dogs caught in the act of chasing wildlife.
If you have a dog, keep it on a leash when you walk it! Keep it fenced in or inside while at home. Don't leave your dog outside to annoy your neighbors with barking when you're gone. We know that you believe your sweet animal never barks when you're gone because he never barks when you're home, but your neighbors know that's not true. If you have a concern or complaint regarding animals in Interlaken, contact Heber Valley Animal Services (see contacts page for more information).
Some people have been caught leaving trash on the ground and the excuses are unbelievable. If it doesn't fit in the dumpster, take it to the dump. If it does fit in the dumpster, then put it in the dumpster. Thanks to those of you who cleaned up these messes, and who have taken brooms and swept up the dumpster site. If you place cardboard boxes in the dumpster (instead of recycling), please break them down.
& ATV's
Snowmobiles and ATV's may not be ridden on Interlaken streets.They are a safety hazard and are illegal on streets. Interlaken Estates property is not a snowmobile or ATV recreation area.
Interlaken Directory
An Interlaken Directory has been created for all property owners in Interlaken. Owners can opt out of the Directory, or select only the information they want included. To be listed in the directory, contact the Town Clerk, Bart Smith.
The roadway is 33 feet wide and belongs to Interlaken. We make the rules on it, or more specifically, the board makes the rules based on what's best for everyone. In the winter, we must insist no one park for any length of time in the roadway. The obvious reason is the problem with snowplowing.