2019 Council Meeting Minutes
2019 Council Meeting Minutes

Our community is about to become an incorporated municipality—Interlaken Town!
This page is dedicated for posting important documents and notices, essential in providing information about our community, especially including our progress toward becoming a town.
-January 29th 2015
"We have reached a second milestone on our way to becoming an incorporated municipality. The first was the success of our November ballot measure to incorporate Interlaken Estates as a municipality. The second is that the Wasatch County Clerk has issued a Public Notice this week in The Wave, announcing that our Special Election will be held June 23, 2015 to elect our Interlaken Town Council. For this first election, the Wasatch County Clerk will be our election official and will guide us through the process."
2015 Special Election Calender
Click on image below to view full calender

The Most Important Election
The election of our first town officials is the most important election we will ever have. The first council will make momentous decisions (with community input). These include the formulation of our town codes, such as those that affect land use, code enforcement, and the mode by which the town raises funds to operate, which likely will be a blend of a flat fee and a tax.
To this end, our nascent town needs candidates. Now is the time to express at least an initial interest to your Board of Directors (board@interlakenestates.com)
Please step forward. If not you, who will guide our community at its inception towards effective governance?
More Imortant Election Information
A five member council form of government.
By the Utah Municipal Code (10-3b-101 et seq.) towns are specifically assigned to be a five member council form of government. This is a council of five persons, one of whom is also the mayor, and the remaining four are council members. (Utah Code 10-3b-201 et seq). So, we will be electing five council members, one also being the mayor.
Two- and four-year terms.
Since the Special Election will be our first, we will be electing our officials to staggered terms to avoid ever having to again fill all five positions at once. That is, three of the council members will be initially elected for two year two-year terms, one of these being the Mayer. The other two will be elected to four-year terms. Then, in 2017, when the three two-year term positions will be completed at the end of that year, an election will be held to fill them. However, from this time forward these will be four-year terms.
Declaration of Candidacy.
As a reminder: each candidate must file a declaration of candidacy specifically for a two-year council position, a four-year position, or for the two-year mayor position. The period for filing will be April 13 through April 20, 2015. Candidates will file at the Wasatch County Clerk’s office, located at 25 North Main Street in Heber City, room 209, between the office hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I just learned there will be no cost to file your declaration.
To be a candidate, you must testify that you have been a resident of our community for at least one year immediately before the date of the election and meet the other requirements set out in the election code. Any person elected to municipal office must be a registered voter in the municipality in which he was elected.
Mail-in Ballots.
Your vote counts! Please be sure the County Clerk’s Office has your mailing address, not just your Interlaken street address. This is because the County is conducting the election using mail-in ballots, which will be sent to your mailing address of record (your P.O. Box in Midway, for most of you).